domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

OMG!!! Bouncing Souls in Costa Rica!!!

No lo podia creer cuando sali del trabajo y vi el poster Bouncing Souls va a dar un concierto EN COSTA RICA, soy feliz feliz feliz, este ha sido un año de conciertos son tantos q ya no me alcanza la plata, lol

Me voy dejando la letra de una de mis canciones favoritas Wish me Well
I've got to be me baby and you got yo be you
Something isn't right but i know i love you
i only want what's best i don't know if this
some kind of test yeah and you're falling
All we do is bicker
Say goobye
Kiss my ass I hope you die
Wish me well
You can go to hell
We were so diferent a short time ago
love is suppose to make us happy suposed to make us grow
but I just wanna punch you in the face
I love you I guess you need the space
Oh well another time and another place
Say goobye
Kiss my ass I hope you die
Wish me well
You can go to hell
Si fuera menos lenta podria el video, pero las compus no son tan amigas mias y simplemente no lo logro ahh ya se!! puedo poner el link:

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